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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

dancing whirling dervish

It’s possible that the winter has been too long and I have gone insane… I’ve started teaching Adia the fundamentals of dance… she’s got a few moves down and is working on some others. Not sure if she thinks I’m nuts but she goes along trying her best… until she lies down and doesn’t want to move anymore. She’s getting lots of treats but I don’t think she sees the point of it all! Maybe she needs different music to groove to. 🤣

It’s above freezing and raining today, the creek and river are in full flood, in fact I can see the powerful flow of the river from the kitchen, and it’s a long way away. I like to keep the dogs close during the overwhelming deluge lest they be swept away. If they fell in there would be no saving them - they’d be lost forever.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the return of the geese!!! I saw a flock in the distance yesterday and caught the sight of a few flying just about the house this afternoon. I haven’t seen a robin yet, but with geese and red-wing blackbirds back spring is surely on its way! Hurrah!

Spike got a haircut on his face this afternoon. It’s now a 2 person job to keep him on the grooming table - he was shaking like a leaf. I must have done something to him during some previous de-furring. It’s hard to get mad at him as he’s clearly scared.

I made a chicken broth for the dogs breakfast: 3 chicken backs broken up in some water, 90 min in the instant pot, natural release. I break up all the bones with my spatula (they turn soft and crumbly with the long cook), then distribute between a bunch of mason jars. Once cooled the fat gets skimmed off and then they go into the freezer to be thawed as required. The dogs LOVE this addition to their breakfast… of course Adia gobbles everything up no matter what it tastes like… but Spike doesn’t always eat in the morning, except when we serve chicken broth over kibble! They are not spoiled at all…

We are watching a program about the multi universe theory… and I wonder… is there a universe where I look like Sofia Lauren, and if so, why not this one?

“It is one of the secrets of Nature in its mood of mockery that fine weather lays heavier weight on the mind and hearts of the depressed and the inwardly tormented than does a really bad day with dark rain sniveling continuously and sympathetically from a dirty sky.” 
~Muriel Spark

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