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Thursday, March 26, 2020

into the field

Headline tonight: There are a total of  4,043 (3,409 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 39 (27 yesterday) deaths to date.

There’s a backlog of singing and dancing in this house. Carm, not so much. Me? Bursting. Today I put on my headphones and fired up the music. With dusting cloth in hand I swirled and twirled around the house, displacing dust as I went. Chopped bits of song escaped my lips, perhaps driving Carm crazy. He looked at me askance as I gyrated around the room. Crazy, yes. But gosh, the dusting went quickly!I

And think of the extra calories burned!

For a bit of doggie fun I locked the pups up and went around the house with a handful of kibble, hiding it, mostly in plain sight as this was the first time playing this game. ‘Release the hounds’! And off they went, unsure at first what they were supposed to do. Spike caught on but he seemed confused. Adia took a few minutes and then zoom - off she went snuffling around the room. I set up the game again - next time I’ll get more tricky.

We were able to get into the field today!

On his last foray into the scary world, Carm bought a package of bacon from Costco which is four 500g packs. We usually get this once, maybe twice a year and I had just run out. Together, we broke it up into 3 strip packets and stored them in the freezer. It’s super handy to have a few slices for baked potato soup, certain bean soups, bacon and tomato sandwiches, etc. 

I’m usually a bit of a homebody, but honestly, I’m starting to go a bit stir crazy. We’ve been in seclusion for 13 days now… I’m doing okay. I had a few days of anxiety and panic but that’s passed, leaving me in a weird state of delusional calm. I’m still tuning into the news which seems so distant and unrelated to anything in my reality.

“We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world”
~Helen Keller

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