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Friday, March 27, 2020

route 66

Numbers aren't released for today yet.

Sun warmed my bare arms as I sat on the back deck, my head reeling with feelings of gratitude for my good fortune. I watched flocks of geese land in the creek and saw a pair of mallards check out the pond. Birdsong filled the air with a joyous chorus. Adia snuffled around checking out newly unearthed smells and seemed pleased with herself when she circumnavigated the house. It was glorious and I’m not ashamed to say that a few tears rolled down my cheeks. It was almost as if winter’s icy grip released my soul to fly with the goldfinches as they swooped across the yard. My thoughts flitted to the scary world on the other side of the gate. I felt so fortunate to be where I was.

Do you ever get that? An overwhelming feeling of gratitude for what is?

Back in the house, a burnt sugar cake cooled on a rack, it’s double layers waiting to be sheathed in a creamy fudge icing. Scratch that creamy icing though - it ended up being granular - I must not have boiled the sugar for long enough. DRAT!

It’s Carm’s birthday today, but instead of our usual trip to the Keg with Bruce & Tina, we’ll be having a little roast with yorkshire pudding at home with just the two of us. And cake. Lovely burnt sugar cake with a slightly granular icing. 

We’ll be ‘having Kirsten, Shawn, and the girls over’ (yay technology) for a bit of cake after supper. Last time we met up we visited for over 45 minutes.

As of today 51 doctors are dead in Italy… How f ucking scary is that!!!! 969 dead today… just today… If that’s not motivation to stay home, I’m not sure what would be. Note to self: less CNN. Does it help to know these things? or by not knowing am I just sticking my head in the sand? Not sure, but I feel a compulsion to know otherwise I feel totally disconnected from the real world. I feel, and perhaps it’s unwarranted, that Canada has this in hand. I guess the next few days will tell. I have to tell myself that or I’ll burst into tears. (hummm.. good day for crying: happy then freaked out).

“To live greatly, we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility.”
~Thomas S. Monson

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