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Saturday, November 21, 2020

don't call me Shirley

 Snow is bearing down on us...eta tomorrow afternoon. That will be it…  no more pretending… winter will be here. 

I didn’t have much planned for today which perhaps was part of my problem, as it was, I teetered on the edge of despair on and off throughout the day. I could have taken the easy way out and wrapped myself in a blanket on the sofa with some sort of mindless TV, but instead I trotted out every ‘in case of’ action that I could summon. It worked, mostly, and although it was a bit forced, I even felt cheerful at times. 

I even got supper on the table (corned beef, boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, baby carrots) with Carm’s help on the potatoes - he’s the official potato peeler in our house. He never shirks that task as he loves potatoes and it’s not often that we have them - just mention ‘Greek potatoes’ and he’s at the sink in a flash :-)

For a few laughs after supper we watched Airplane. It’s full of stupid lines, but gosh, so funny.

“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

~Joseph Addison

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