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Monday, November 23, 2020

snowballs and rainwater

 The snow did end up blanketing the earth, although not as deeply as was forecast. No need to get the snowblower out yet! In the olden days, when Bella, Kabira, and Spike were young, they’d race around in the fresh snow, joyous in their naivety of the shovel and slick roads. Their joy would rub off on us and I might drop to the ground to make snow angels. Not so today, I’ll make sure to get out there next storm (I’m sometimes loath to lay on my back in the snow - who knows where the last dog poop went!)

and how it looked yesterday at the same time

It was long overdue but finally Spike had a full haircut. Today I did an experiment with a slightly higher dose of CBD and no trazodone. Carm still had to hold him but he didn’t seem to struggle as much and even relaxed a few times. He wasn’t in a panic like he has been in the past. 

dose:  cbd oil has 15mg/ml… he needed 0.5mg so I gave him 0.3ml (plus a bit for good luck)

previous brand of CBD 10 mg/ml

“A safe rule of thumb is 0.2mg of CBD per pound. So, if your dog weighs 25 pounds, you’ll give him 5mg of CBD.” So if the oil has 10 mg/ml he would need 0.5 ml.  

I had supper all planned out - white bean and garlic stew - but while browsing FB I read a recipe for Buffalo chicken chili… change of plans! Both used white beans but one had heaps of Franks redhot sauce… oh yeah baby!

Today marks 1 year since we were in Madeira so of course we celebrated by cracking open the precious bottle of ‘rainwater’ that we carried home. 

“Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad.”

~Norm Papernick

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