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Saturday, June 12, 2021

as a grappler myself

 As a grappler myself… we’ve been binging ‘Battlebots’ these last several weeks. Yes, we’ve sunk to that level. Actually it’s kind of fun and with the pvr we can skip through all the babble and just watch the fights. When the bots go flying on.

Grace turned 23 a few days ago. No chicken wings for a special supper but she did have some hamburger ;-) And maybe an extra chip. We’ve been too busy to sit outside with her so she’s not been getting outside enough. Maybe tomorrow.

Today was a busy day. The weather was perfect for washing 2 years of dirt from the camper: sunny, warm, low humidity. We even moved it into the laneway so we could roll out the awnings. I did the windows separately with a wash that had Finish dishwasher stuff, a hack that claims to stop spotting.

Motorized vehicles were washed, muddy boards were washed. Gardens were fertilized. More stuff was loaded into the camper and more stuff was unloaded from the camper.

When we were all done we had a long swim, watching the farm implements roll the cut hay into giant rounds. He only got 3 bales :-(  Once I was dried and dressed I set out chairs and made some cookies & (pink) lemonade. Mom and Dad were coming for a laneway visit! 

Speaking of visiting… yesterday we had a distant visit with Trudie & Leo and the day before that Jo Ellen and Don were here. We were social butterflies :-)

I read an update today that says that we will be eligible to get our second vaccine next week! Yahoo!


“rivers of dirt coming off the camper”

“sparkling windows”

“visiting with Mom & Dad”

“Spike has been running around the house”

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