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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

red brick road

 Lupa watched quizzically as I grooved around the living room, singing at the top of my lungs. She’d seen me dance around before but not so wildly - I’m usually a bit more subdued when Carm is around but he’s off to his first golf game of 2022. Part way through the song her demeanor changed and she broke into a big grin. Adia knows what it's all about as I sometimes rope her in to be my dancing partner. Maybe I’ll have 8 more feet to join in my dance.

(an hour later… both dogs got into the rhythm a bit… I remember now why Adia is so good at doing certain things. We made heel and weave and down and sit part of the dancing game. It’s possible that I need music to function normally.)

The days have blended into each other with barely anything to distinguish them as my misery continues to cast a grey pall over life. I tell myself that I just have to hang in for a while longer and it will pass. Yes, it will pass like it always has.

The benefits of hanging out on facebook so much paid off yesterday when we scored 320 cement bricks for 0.25 cents each. We have a few small projects in mind. Now we just have to get to them… in my current state this seems impossible.

Lupa has been a maniac since her release but a trip or two into the field eases some of the frantic/manic energy. She’s not as crazy as the first day of freedom thank goodness! Right now she’s pushing a toy into Adia’s face in an attempt to get her to play. She’s a tough, athletic bundle, a perfect playmate for Adia, but small enough to cuddle with on the sofa.

As I watch them horse around I can see spots on Lupa that need more hand stripping. Most of her coat is looking good though, it’s just the edges that look moth eaten. It seems that hand stripping is more labour intensive than running the clippers all over her. It’s the more correct way to manage her coat though so I’ll stick with it for a while longer.

We had a bit of shopping at Findley Creek on Friday so at the last minute popped her into the car for an outing. There was lots of space to practice walking and then we headed into Canadian Tire. I wasn’t paying much attention to her as I was looking for something, but she was good. It’s been ages since she barked at strangers and she even passed TWO big dogs on the sidewalk. We were probably 15 feet away and even so she was a champ. I have hope!

The dog's new collars arrived the other day and since I am slightly insane about matching, I ordered some paracord so that I can braid 2 new leashes. But I needed snaps. It was harder than you’d think to find ones that were weight rated for a reasonable amount. The ones at Home Hardware and Canadian Tire were only good for 60 pounds so I turned to Amazon for the win. They are ½ as big as Lupa but she’ll just have to develop a really strong neck and shoulders! 🤪 

The weather has only marginally improved. We are in double digits this morning but it’s cloudy and a bit windy. Still, I did go outside with short sleeves. As I said, Carm’s at the golf course but he put on long pants this morning. I think he’s feeling the cold more…

I told the woman where we picked the bricks up that I did not do too badly hefting all those blocks for a 60 year old woman. I’m not 60 yet, but I’m trying to ease into it so I’m not in shock when my birthday comes around! (note: my hands and wrists are aching today!)


“loud music in the morning”

“Ballroom Blitz making the dogs and Grace laugh”

“walking past dogs without barking”

“Adia’s beautiful eyes”

“sending off birthday greetings to my nieces and calling them women”

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