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Thursday, April 21, 2022

release the hounds

 The kraken was released from its bonds today… it’s officially 2 weeks since Lupa’s surgery and since she looks well healed we’ve let her free. First we went outside to burn off some of the pent up energy. That little dog ran and ran and ran - she did 2 weeks worth of running! And then when we got back inside she continued running. She was totally out of control. I thought with the exercise she’d calm down a bit but no…

Now to keep her from playing with Adia for a few days - they are far too rambunctious for a newly healed puppy.

She did calm enough for me to put her on the grooming table for some trimming here and there. Just for laughs I got the clippers out and did her face. It changes her look quite a bit but I like it!

Last night we had Trudie & Leo over for supper and Sunday we had Pat here so we’ve been keeping socialized. Monday we saw Kirsten and Lupa visited her first Canadian Tire. She wasn’t the greatest but I was able to keep her under control, picking her up when it got too busy. Easter Monday had everyone out at the stores so it was packed.

hours later… after a short rest she’s still running…

Winter is in a battle with Spring, desperate to keep its icy grip on us, but inch by inch, spring is starting to win out. The trees and leaves and buds are a good week or two late compared to last year (which might have been exceptional). We are stuck in the taint of the seasons.


“Lupa running and leaping in the field - pure joy at the freedom”

“Don Mclean’s Vincent”

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