Where did I leave off? I think it was with fish & chips on Thursday night which leaves 3 full days of my time in New Zealand left to tell.
Friday Kirsten and I drove Shenna to work for noon, stopping at Zealandia on our way home to look for that scarf I thought I wanted. It wasn't there but was at another gift shop so I was out of luck, which was just as well as I got my current scarf stuck on some velcro on my travel bag which made a pull. I was glad it wasn't an expensive wool scarf. The rest of the day is lost (looking at my last post I see that Kirsten and I had lunch before heading back home).

Saturday we were up early for a horse show. Kirsten drove the float expertly through the curving roads of their road, through the busy, narrow roads of Wellington until we got to the highway. Then it was highway until we exited onto more curvy roads and finally onto the 'high crash area' road that led to the horse show. We got parked in a big, grassy field and unloaded the horses for their day of jumping. We had a lovely day. It was a beautiful, sunscreen slathery day, perhaps the nicest since I'd been there. Nissa did well and got one ribbon.

When we got home I walked with Shenna and her horse James to the arena down the road only to find out that James was lame. Poor Shenna has had the worst luck with lameness. Her other horse Nimo is on stall rest for 6 months…

After the walk I dragged my suitcases into the caravan so that I could start packing. I was going home. How was I going to fit everything and would I meet the weight limits? My bag had shrunk and my pile of belongings had expanded.
I don't remember what we did the rest of the day, I can't even remember what we had for supper.
Sunday morning (after a bit of a sleep in) I found Shenna already making the batter for crepes. She was making us a special last day breakfast. Heaps of strawberries, whipped cream and maple syrup topped the delicate crepes. It was over all too soon. I finished my packing and weighing and shifting of things from one bag to another, then Kirsten and I left Nissa to hold down the fort and drove Shenna to work.
We dropped Shenna off and as we walked up to the car Kirsten noticed a very flat tire. Oh bother. Unfortunately the tire pump hadn't made its way back into the truck but luckily some ladies that drove up had one to lend. Pump pump pump - our legs got a good workout. Thank goodness for the internet as Kirsten was able to source a tire place that was open on a Sunday and luckily it wasn't too far away.
Two nails, with a third nestling and ready to push through, caused all this excitement. Luckily the tire guys were able to fix it and get us on our way within an hour.
We stopped at Moore Wilson's, a grocery and dry goods store, for some supplies for supper. We were going to have nibbles with a bottle of champagne.

When Shenna got home from work we settled into our supper of meats, New Zealand cheeses, and other delectable treats, then finished our evening with a game of cards. Time for bed. Kirsten and I had to leave the house at 3:45am the next morning and didn't want to wake the girls so I said my goodbyes before disappearing out into the caravan. I made it quick and tried not to cry too hard. It is always hard and seems to be the only time we say how much we mean to each other (note to self: don't leave these things to the last minute).
It was cloudy and gusty all day which matched my mood.
“Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry.”
― Dr. Seuss