Yesterday I opened my eyes to a grey day. The clouds hung close to the ground obscuring the view over the river. Regardless, and having no choice anyway, I took the dogs out for a little walk. I was surprised to find it was warm and that I could keep my jacket unzipped.
We barely had time for a cup of coffee before the dogs were locked in the bedroom with some 70s music to drown out any outdoor sounds. Carm and I piled into the truck for the drive to the blood-letting place - not even vacation saved us from this unpleasant activity. Still, it was over quickly and after a quick stop for groceries we were on our way back to camp.
As if they were waiting for us to return, the clouds dissipated and the glorious sun made an appearance. It was divine and one of those special days made to treasure, more precious as it might be the last shirt-sleeve day before winter’s icy grip.

Carm got the laundry going and we dashed off to take the dogs for a walk. We got as far as the first group camping area before Carm left us to meander back while he raced back to the laundry.
Once back, we sat outside, basking in the warmth. The dogs were attached to their anchors and flaked out in the sunshine. The anchors are working out really well - I think I was some kind of genius to come up with such an innovative idea ;-) Carm was the hero and finished the laundry, making the trip back and forth to the machines several times. He must have gotten in lots of steps!

It was beautiful and worth every drop of rain that fell on us Monday.
Unfortunately a hoard of Asian (stinky vampire) beetles was released by the heat. They started bumping into our heads and soon the side of the camper was covered and dozens made their way inside. Carm got the central vac going and with the long hose sucked up every last one.

Today is less beautiful. The temp is hovering around 10C - the fireplace is flickering and the furnace occasionally comes on. We drove to the new part of the campground and went for a long walk with the dogs. There is one new site in particular that we might try for next June. Once back to camp we cuddled up to big mugs of hot tea.
Later I’m going to make us a curried butternut squash soup that will rosy up our day and warm our tummies.
These long, lazy days of camping are a balm to my mood. Peaceful Easy Feeling is my anthem. There is something calming about long walks in Nature and afternoons spent cosy in the camper with music playing. I feel enormously lucky to have these moments and hope that I can recall them later.
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite - only a sense of existence. Well, anything for variety. I am ready to try this for the next ten thousand years, and exhaust it. How sweet to think of! my extremities well charred, and my intellectual part too, so that there is no danger of worm or rot for a long while. My breath is sweet to me. O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.”
― Henry David Thoreau