Thursday, January 19, 2017

I'm here!

It was with a hope and a prayer that we made a safe touchdown into Wellington last night. The winds were gusting and the pilot warned us that we might have to abort and go somewhere else. It is a tricky runway at the best of times, but with the winds coming over the hills it is even more so.

But we made it, and I made it through customs, and my suitcase made it. Kirsten and Shawn were here to pick me up - it was such a relief to see familiar faces after such a long journey. On the way home I recognized some of the buildings, but some of it was in the disjointed blur of not enough sleep and roads that wound every which way. Once home we unloaded my bags into my lovely home and went inside for a snack. I didn't realize it but it was past 2:30 before we finally went to bed.

Now to my room :-)  Last visit I stayed in the 'garage', a converted family room of sorts. Shawn works from home now and it is his new office so other accommodations had to be found. Kirsten borrowed a little caravan from a friend and parked it up next to the house. So I have my own cute space, with a comfortable bed, a sofa area, and cupboards  & drawers to unpack my stuff into. Very sweet. Of course it was decorated with flowers, a basket of treats, bottles of water, and the most comfortable bed linens around. I feel very spoiled.

Today has been laid back with lots of visiting and a good walk. The sun is out and I'm in a t-shirt. I have sunscreen on but I feel a little burn on my cheeks. The wind has somewhat died down. Last night and this morning I was certain my little caravan  would be blown into oblivion. It wasn't.

I'm tired though and my eyes are drooping.

Bedtime on Thursday I think. It is the end of my first marvelous day and I’m ready for bed. There was another walk before supper with the girls on their ponies, then a lovely supper. I’m snuggled under the covers in my cosy bed, listening to the rain come down - better than the wind last night.

Kirsten’s internet is down and will probably be down for another day or maybe even more. It is weird to be so disconnected!

Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
― Terry Pratchett

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