Thursday, September 20, 2018

the sun declined


I had three new dogs this morning. With tempretures in the low 60s the dogs were pulling on their leashes again - eager to explore. Which was good... except with no coffee or breakfast yet I got a bit cranky with them. Even so, it was good to see them energized again.

I just found a previously unknown feature on my tablet: if I press a little button that looks like a keyboard, the tablet's keyboard takes over and shows spelling tips... I always use the bluetooth keyboard which has no informative functions like this. Hurrah! I'll be able to check those words that trip me up.


Dogs were energetic again this morning, and it was so cold that I didn't sneak out in my short pjs but instead put on long pants and a jacket. Boo Hiss... but I suppose we've been lucky enough so far. Mid morning we had a brief shower, and the clouds never did go away for the whole day.

Since we weren't inspired to sit outside we jumped, (make that climbed - the truck is so tall), into the truck to go out for breakfast. Country Kitchen in Winchester got our business as they have a good, cheap, breakfast. From there it was a quick drive to liquidation. On our way back to camp we passed a little country gift store where I found a fantastic black bracelet.

With cold in the forecast for the next few days we can say for sure that Sept 16th was the last swim of the season. The pool had a good run this year.

"The sun declined, and we both fell into twilight silence. Night, which in autumn seems to fall from the sky at once, it comes so quickly, chilled us, and we rolled ourselves in our cloaks..."
~Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly

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