Tuesday, April 5, 2022

bridge to the river castor

 It is one of those spectacular days with strong sun and a whiff of breeze. The weather is set to turn chilly and rainy again thursday but I KNOW more heat is around the corner. In some ways these tastes of summer are better than the feast of heat in the middle of July.

We met Kirsten at the ½ way point again. We met at the Pet Valu for some training and a little bit of shopping (chicken feet anyone?). And then motored off to DQ for blizzards. The guy behind the counter wasn’t wearing a mask which should have been the first clue that he’d make us crummy icecreams. I think he forgot to sprinkle in the Skor bits. But as I told Kirsten: in the scheme of things it rates a 0 for things to worry about.

Lupa did not bark!!! At all! The only dog she saw was Velvet, her little chi cousin, so it wasn’t a true test but I felt happy anyway. Getting her attention for the first 5 or 10 minutes was difficult but overall I’d say she was better than last week. I like to walk up and down the same aisle so she gets her sniffing out but honestly she never does. She would eventually sit, etc. The day she can walk down an aisle at a heel will be a day for massive celebration!

Our next challenge is getting people into the house without a flurry of anxious/excited barking.

So much talk about Lupa and so little about Adia. Unfair that the naughty dog gets all the attention! Adia has been fantastic. She’s great with Lupa (they play and play), and a role model for good behaviour around the house. She’s such a GOOD dog and deserves many accolades.

Yesterday we spent some time at the other end of our property removing a fiberglass fence post. It was near the bridge which is being gutted and slightly in the way. The posts are $$$ so we didn’t want to risk it getting damaged. We have 2 bridges on the roads that bound our property. The little one over the creek was done a few years ago and now they are redoing the one over the river that is our property boundary on the east side.

As I was about to head out the door to catch up with Carm, I briefly wondered if I could leave both dogs loose. Then good sense kicked in so I locked them up. Not even a month ago I wouldn’t let Lupa out of eyesight, let alone consider leaving her unsupervised! She’s come that far :-)


“walking outside without a coat”

“online visits”

“Adia stayed in the back of the car after Carm opened the hatch”

“the haul from Costco - it makes me happy to be well provisioned”

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