Friday, August 30, 2019

Come from Away

The sky is totally clear of clouds (after an early morning plant refreshing rain), and the trees are swaying in the breeze. It is a lovely day to be out on the laneway training heel, but not at all a day for swimming… in fact, there hasn’t been a swimming day for over a week. We’ve had some cool nights and barely warm days so the water is frigid - perhaps good for beluga whales (which I somewhat resemble).

Our week has been on again, off again busy. We had an exciting day on Tuesday (details to follow next Thursday), dentist appointments and other sundry activities.

Monday night Jo Ellen and Don came over for supper and a practice with guests time for Adia. She’s still excitable and takes ages to settle down but I guess that is just a matter of more practice and training. It gets so exhausting that I occasionally need a break and pop her into her crate, which is good too. She needs to learn ‘mat’ or ‘futon’ with longer and longer durations.

Tuesday was spent in town and then we rushed home to feed the dogs and get Adia ready for school. She was a good girl, perhaps a bit distracted at times, and again, we need to work on down with duration. So have I done this yet… no. (note to self: start practicing this when she’s tired, like now).

And Wednesday! Well! We decided to enrich our feeble brains and take in some theatre. ‘Come from Away’ was a wonderful show, full of interesting characters and great music. The fact that it is based on true events and actual people was icing on the cake. We had a great time and vowed that we’d do it more often.

Adia’s guts are now acclimatized to all the different food that I throw at her. Canned tripe, chicken gizzards and hearts, dried liver, hotdogs, various kibbles, apples (she helps herself to these in the yard), salmon oil, carrots, kiwi, and whatever Grace doesn’t eat, she can eat without the dreaded ‘D’. We took it slow but now her biome is well populated.

“If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.” ~Roy T. Bennett


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

I would love to have a day too cold for swimming:)

Laura said...

Come on up to Ontario... we've got 6 months coming!