Thursday, January 16, 2025


The last week has passed in a blur of inactivity… my motivation and energy levels have hit new lows and honestly, I'm having trouble dragging myself back to the land of the living… and barely care if I do… Usually by now I would be sick of myself which would somehow help to realign me… that is not happening at all… well, maybe I have a modicum more caring today than I did yesterday, but will it be enough to get me out of bed tomorrow morning?

I haven't been on the treadmill for days…

I know some of this is seasonal but I also wonder how much of it is tamoxifen… I've been running numbers in my head to suss out where the risk/reward line lies for me, at this point I might ask the oncologist about stopping it for a month or two to see if my mood improves and other side effects abate. I see him mid-February so still have lots of time to weigh my options. And who knows - maybe I'll feel great this time next week!

Thank goodness for the giant pot of soup I made last week as I've not been cooking much… tonight I dug out a soup from the freezer, so yes, more soup. I will be forever grateful that Carm loves soup and would not complain if I served it to him night after night. I'm not so far gone that I don't appreciate that I have it pretty good!

We've been binge watching ‘Rick Steves Europe’ for the last few weeks - I've learned so much art history!


“half way through January”

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