The weather forecast for yesterday was a blazing hot 34C so our friends that we are camping with invited us out onto their pontoon boat, dogs and all. Grace had to stay behind, but she was comfortable in her big outdoor cage nicely situated in the shade of a big tree. We packed a bit of a picnic lunch, sunscreen, dog cooler coats, sun hats and bathing suits and piled onto the boat. The temperature out on the water was perfect - hot, wit a bit of a breeze to cool us off. The pontoon boat has a nifty shade cover and we were all able to squeeze into its shade.

After motoring for over an hour we pulled up onto an island with a beautiful sandy beach. There was only one other couple there so the dogs could run and frolic in the water for a while. The poodles were in seventh heaven and once they were cool, disappeared into the forest - they must have been on the track of something. It wasn't long before they were back for a dip in the water. Trudie and Leo brought out some chairs and we laid out our food for a nice picnic lunch. Bliss.

We got back after 4, with time for a bit of a rest (rest from what you might ask!), before starting supper preparations. It was my turn to serve supper: black bean quinoa burgers with avocado spread, sesame lime green beans, veggies for nibbling on, and vegan peanut butter oatmeal raisin cookies. I'm not really sure what they thought about it.
Trudie had brought bones for the dogs, and Grace of course got what we were eating (except the avocado - did you know it is poisonous to parrots), so everyone was content.
All in all a lovely day!
I used to spend a lot of time on the water sailing with my family, so am no stranger to a rocking boat… it seems I’m out of practice as I am STILL (almost 24 hours later) having after-motion! As I type this the trailer is swaying and rocking. It’s just outrageous!
During the last 1/2 hour of our trip yesterday Kabira started pacing around and looking over the railing. I wondered if she had to go to the bathroom, but really thought she was feeling seasick so kept an eye out for the drooling that precedes a puke. When we finally docked I got her off right away, but no bathroom stop, and when it was time to jump into the truck she didn’t make it. I guess she was seasick, poor thing. If there is a next time I wonder if it would be worthwhile to give her a gravol.
A few years back I purchased 2 wonderful chamois coats for the dogs, one for Spike and the other for the big dogs to share. I dunk them in water and they soak up a ton. As the water evaporates the jackets feel cool, even on the hottest day. I was grateful to have them yesterday, but want another one. I might try my hand at sewing them myself as they were pricey. A good winter project (what – thoughts of winter already!).

Today Trudie & Leo are off visiting friends and we are having a quiet day. It is still pretty hot, but not like yesterday, and there is a breeze that caresses the skin. Beautiful. Later we meet up with them again and then off for supper at the Macintosh Inn, and a play at the Upper Canada Playhouse! Will the fun ever end?
Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
Russell Baker