I was shocked this afternoon when I checked my blog for my last post… which is over a month ago! I guess it's a barometer of sorts although I've been feeling okay for the last few weeks. So what's been happening… well, I'm often in freak out mode with what is going on south of the border. I don't have much optimism for the next few years but try not to dwell on my fear.
Well, I do have a faint amount of optimism with our new prime minister but we shall see if he can swing the gloves at Trump. Of course, with the bullshit in politics the conservatives are already making stuff up. And we'll have lots of election interference from the USA… so everybody - CHECK FACTS! And why the F! has PP not bothered getting a security clearance so that he can be briefed on national security. WHY?
When I'm not curled up in a ball nearly hysterical, I'm on the treadmill and for the last few weeks I've added weights to my daily workout. I feel stronger and can even see some muscles (although at the moment I'm wiped - it was a big day for me today! 30 minutes of weights & floor exercises, 5 minutes on the bike, 90 minutes on the treadmill at high incline, and then 15 minutes out on the snowshoes - it was warm and sunny!) I certainly earned my dinner tonight!
Speaking of supper… a few weeks ago I made buckwheat groats as a side… they were okay but very bland. Today I chopped an onion, added garlic & herbs, then stirred in chopped yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes. Much better! (note to self: 1 cup broth, ⅔ cup groats, 3 min HP, 10 NR). Easy and quick :-) Buckwheat is a whole grain that feeds our microbiome. It was delicious with the salmon that we treated ourselves with.
We've had only a tiny bit of social life - last week we had Trudie & Leo for supper one night and Pat for supper another night. Tomorrow J&D are coming for lunch and then Pat again later in the week for supper. There've been other forays into the world but they've been few and far between. The weather has been a factor keeping us home.
In late January I took a break from Tamoxifen… the depression was getting real, not to mention weight gain, hair loss, hot flashes & cold chills, and a myriad of other irritations… my side effects cleared up eventually, although some took a good 4 weeks to resolve… I had an appointment with the medical oncologist a few weeks ago and she suggested trying 10mg every other day for a few weeks and then try 10mg daily - down from 20mg every day. It's been a week and things are going okay.
The dogs have been enjoying the occasional foray into the field - we've got a grid of paths that wind through the field. It's probably been the best winter for snowshoeing in years.
The weather forecast for the next week is looking awesome with a few days in a row of double digits! Hurrah!
I miss the simplicity of COVID!
“flashes of spring”
“date walnut oat chocolate squares”
“just dates in general - who knew they were so healthy!”
“roasted chickpeas”
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