Friday, October 4, 2024

get away

 I opened my blog editor thinking that I would write up what's been going on for the last week or two (it's been 12 days since I last posted), but alas, my brain can’t even come up with an opening sentence… I’m still struggling with fatigue and have ‘given into it’ the last few days… today I didn't even get out of bed until almost noon! From there I went as far as the sofa, but not as far as the treadmill… it's not seen any action since Monday.

To be fair though, I did have ‘in person’ walking with Kirsten on Tuesday and Wednesday! I ditched Carm after he got home from golf on Monday and drove myself to the villetta for a few days of sister time :-) Very relaxing and totally unproductive…

Tomorrow will be a better day!

At least the weather has continued to be spectacular, with the exception of Wednesday! And goodness knows, I can't remember what it was like at all last week! This past Tuesday, Kirsten and I went to Perth to toddle around - we had a picnic lunch in the amazing park along the river - the perfect way to start October!

Not much else has gone on… we did have supper at Trudie & Leo's last week, and we met up with friends Mary & Gary on Saturday, but most of the rest of the week was spent mooching around doing nothing of note. I'm tired and discouraged and slightly depressed… is it the change of season or a side effect? I don't know yet…

I'm trying to get myself excited about the cruise (42 days to go!)... we got our cabin assigned on Saturday and honestly, I would have cancelled at that moment as the location is the absolute opposite of what we wanted! Instead of a cabin just above the piazza on the 8th floor, we will be on the Lido deck, which for those unfamiliar with cruise ships - that's the deck that the pool and the buffet is on! And is the 16th floor - we like to hang out on the 5th deck… so lots of stairs in between! Too many stairs…

But! We'll make the best of it and who knows, maybe it will be even better! Our focus will certainly change, and since the pool is just down the hall, we'll probably hang out there more :-) There are no lack of bars on the Lido deck, and of course the buffet… it will be too easy to pop over for some grilled shrimp ;-)

Movies under the Stars happens on the Lido deck also - so maybe we'll watch some movies on the big screen - unless they play too much football which is what happened on the last cruise - ugh.

I scanned some of my new clothes into my planning app… but can't seem to concentrate on putting things together to make a packing list - oh, it's early days yet, but I'd like to get a handle on what I have in case there are big gaps in my wardrobe… I've lost some weight since the last cruise so things are fitting a bit differently!

And then there's the whole flying thing… blood clots are a big risk with tamoxifen so I'm not sure if I should start taking baby aspirin before the trip or if I should get some compression socks? 

And then there's the whole being too tired to function thing… how will I manage a vacation if I can barely get through a regular day? Ah, I'll be back to regular energy by then - surely! Or I'll get better at pushing myself through the fatigue…


“a little getaway at the villetta”

“spectacular fall weather!”

“my honey holding down the fort”

“picnic in the park”

“a lazy day”

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