Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 Just a faint echo of spirited conversation, Italian style, is all that is left of Vince's visit. He dashed off around noon to another commitment, leaving a bit of a vacuum. Conversation flowed freely from the moment Vince stepped in the door last night… well, it did as soon as he was off the phone with another cousin as it seems he got his days mixed up and was supposed to be somewhere else as well!

We started off gathered around the kitchen island as I finished up the last of the cooking (beef stew w caramelised onion, bacon & herbs, carrots, broccoli, and of course mashed potatoes), and then lingered over supper. Vince brought tiramisu for dessert, and then finally we retired to more comfortable sofas to look at his photos.

I took myself off to bed around 10:30 (the conversation was flowing freely without my input so figured it wouldn't be too rude!) - they stayed up a few more hours. This morning we were up by 8:30, had coffee, breakfast, and more visiting. It was a lovely time - Carm is still excited and a bit wound up… while my head is slightly spinning!



“possible all clear”

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