Sweat… thankfully no blood or tears. My jeans were soaked through, my t-shirt too; Carm didn’t fare any better. It was a tiny bit cooler today (28C) so we attacked the tree that was felled ages ago in our quest for a better satellite signal. It had been sitting there, a giant weight on our shoulders, waiting for better weather.
The chainsaw is my least favorite tool and I am majorly stressed when Carm is using it. I have visions of limbs flying everywhere and having to tourniquet while waiting for an ambulance. I always have my phone handy. And never wear my favorite shirt.
Carm had the dangerous job of wielding the chainsaw while I dragged the branches to toss onto the towering brush pile. It started 25 years ago with one 8’ Christmas tree. Another tree followed the next year. At that point our property had not been taken over by triffids so the pile grew slowly. For the last several years it has been growing like crazy. Today it was hard to toss the giant branches onto the top which likely measures 10 feet high. The amazing thing is that next spring it will have collapsed so that it is barely as tall as my shoulder. Nature taking back her bounty.
Speaking of bounty - today I made a peach cobbler in the instant pot. I forgot the crucial step of covering the baking dish with foil so thought it would be a flub, surprisingly it was pretty tasty! It was a ‘cheater’ recipe that used ½ box of cake mix instead of flour, etc. So it has that weird cake mix flavour - next time I’m going to try the real mccoy and may even fire up the oven.
Yesterday I remembered that we had a pretty pewter framed mirror that we’d gotten as a wedding gift but somehow never had the right spot for it. It needed a few pins to hold the mirror in, (trip to home hardware yesterday), and now has a place on the tall dresser in the bathroom. It looks great and is even functional. Sometimes being a packrat pays off :-)

The photos are from the two awesome trips that I took in 2013. On the left is Carm and the dogs at Red Rock Coulee near Medicine Hat; on the right is me sitting on a cliff in NZ looking out across the water to the South Island. Such awesome memories to see everyday.
It was a perfect evening for supper on the deck and we stretched it out another hour on the swing. It was a nice break from the TV. We are going to have to make some new rituals over the winter, which I suspect is going to be long, maybe supper at the table with music instead of news will have to become the new norm.
Gosh I natter on sometimes! Imagine how long my posts would be if I actually had something to write about!
Headline tonight: 5,526,722 cases with 172,546 deaths in the US. There are a total of 121,889 (121,568 yesterday) cases of Covid-19 in Canada today, with 9,024 (9,020 yesterday) deaths today.
“Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.”
~Brian Jacques
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
~Melody Beattie