Starting out on our walk. We weren't exactly sure where we were going to end up but talked to some ladies on the beach for ideas.
It was a bit of a climb but well worth the effort. The view was spectacular. I took a ton of photos, none of which give it justice. We had a great view of the South Island.
Looking back at where we had come from - see the village way in the distance, the car is parked there. I would say we earned our two gingernuts!
Speaking of gingernuts, we don't get them at home but they are a lovely treat to have with tea. Straight out of the bag they are as hard as rock, but dip them in your tea and you have a soft, gingery mouthful. Yum :-)
It is very pretty along the road to Makara, with homes tucked in the valley (and flat spots for arenas, etc), but they all seem to need a bridge to get over the little stream that winds along the valley. Some are rather rickety looking!
No bridge in this photo, but I loved the huge trees.
Happy Tails!
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