Figuring out how computer stuff works has always come easily to me - I've never had trouble working things out and in fact it was due to this skill that I did so well in the working world (as a consultant in the IT field there was never any training $ so I usually flew by the seat of my pants). Now though... I've spent days trying to get this transformer integrated with my pc. Right now (Tuesday afternoon) I'm trying to get the Asus file cloud sync to work but I just can't figure it out! I feel stupid and useless and old.
Yesterday was a lovely sunny day, perfect for being outside, but also energizing for doing housework (both of which were a welcome break from IT stuff). We need guests on a regular basis just to keep the house in order. All those years of hired house-keepers did not build good habits!
Last night we had a lovely time entertaining dinner guests. Eric worked with Carm for years so they have lots to talk about. Betty, his wife, is from Tucson, Arizona so it was fun hearing all about living there. They commute back and forth as required, with most of the winter spent in Tucson - sounds like a plan doesn't it! As usual Spike was anxious to show off his tricks and did so with his usual aplomb. This winter I think we'll work up a little routine that flows nicely. Don't want to miss any of his fine jumps. One of his favourite tricks is bringing me things - a little bag that I keep in the kitchen, a tissue, a bottle of water - any will do. Of course I keep a little bowl of treats nearby - he is somewhat mercenary!
Oh - the bread maker - yumm! It’s huge and since we’ll be using it regularly it had to go somewhere convenient. I had to empty some of the junk from one of my “appliance garages” but once I did it found a perfect home. And the junk, well… some of it made it’s way to the garage sale pile in the basement.
Now to the real test – does it make good bread? The first loaf came out great, but I used mostly white flour for it – it didn’t last very long though ;-). Last night before bed we started a loaf to be ready this morning - this one is 100% whole wheat, and uses olive oil instead of butter. It was easy to assemble the ingredients which is good ‘cause Carm will be responsible for it most nights. We tried the second loaf this afternoon (toasted with butter and a side of Earl Grey tea). It tasted GRrrreat! We are going to have to be careful with all this bread eating or we'll both balloon out :-( Fun times getting there though.
And my troubles with syncing to the cloud? I think (think) I have it all figured out. It's going to take some coordination though as it creates a copy of the file instead of replacing the old one. So I'll end up with files like filename (1) ; filename (1) (1) ; oh bother. I have two files that I update on a daily basis, a menu planner for a month, and a file with other data for a month. So I'll just keep them on my prun and upload them at the end of the month to keep things a bit simpler. Google Docs would be a lot easier and more seamless, but it just doesn’t have some of the features for tables and spreadsheets that I need – namely the ability to merge cells. The document processing software that came installed (Polaris Office) is a bit more fully featured.
Yesterday was a lovely sunny day, perfect for being outside, but also energizing for doing housework. We need guests on a regular basis just to keep the house in order. All those years of hired house-keepers did not build good habits!
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
Lucy Larcom
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