It was a cloudy day and warmed all the way up to +2C - its above freezing and melting more of the snow or at least compressing it into a heavier mass. Our snowshoe tracks are firm enough to walk on, but the rest of the snow is nearly impossible to traverse.

Today's word of the day is flounce (FLOUNSS verb - 1a : to move with exaggerated jerky or bouncy motions b : to go with sudden determination ; 2: flounder, struggle). I've been flouncing (going with sudden determination) around the house today doing some cooking and food preparation to support my newly turned over leaf to eat healthily (healthfully?). I will be following the "Eat to Live" diet by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. The next six weeks will basically be fat-free vegan, after that I can add some other foods (in limited amounts) back in. The first six weeks is almost like a detox, getting rid of all the bad stuff from the bad food. I've done this diet before and found it reasonably easy - its actually the only diet that I've been able to stick to past a few days - and actually lost a lot of weight quickly. Unfortunately over the last few years I slipped further and further from the precepts of "Eat to Live". Blood test results from last week revealed that I'd better get back on that healthy eating bandwagon quickly or I'm going to be in some kinda trouble. So here I am... obsessed. That's the only thing that will get me through the next 6 weeks and beyond. So I hope I don't bore you too much! Wish me luck!

My pleasures today, hummm... trying a new soup recipe that turned out good ; crocheting two granny squares in no time flat ; watching Spike sleeping so peacefully while we Kinected (how could he sleep with all that commotion?) ; going for a little walk outside and feeling raindrops - could it be that spring is on the (distant) horizon? ; getting a really nice bunch of parsley at the grocery store.
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